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Republicans Rebuked in North Carolina Newspaper Over Mark Robinson Support

A North Carolina newspaper has condemned Republicans for their failure to fully denounce under-fire gubernatorial hopeful Mark Robinson following the latest report on his alleged activity on an adult website more than a decade ago.
The editorial board for The News and Observer, the paper with the largest circulation in North Carolina, asked why Republicans were still giving Robinson, who has been backed by former President Donald Trump, the “benefit of the doubt” in the wake of the recent bombshell report by CNN despite him having done “absolutely nothing” to earn it.
Robinson is alleged to have described himself as a “Black Nazi” on a pornographic message board site several years ago, as well as expressing support for Adolf Hitler. Robinson, who is hoping to become North Carolina’s first Black governor, also said he wished slavery would make a return, adding: “I would certainly buy a few.”
Robinson has denied the allegations as “salacious tabloid trash” and vowed to stay in the race for North Carolina governor.
Newsweek has contacted Robinson’s office for comment via email.
On Sunday, it was revealed that several in Robinson’s campaign team had left their roles following the scandal. The campaign has reportedly been reduced to around three staffers, but Robinson said he would be announcing new hires soon.
In a column, The News and Observer editorial board said that whether the departures were a result of “moral objection or the realization that Robinson’s campaign is likely a sinking ship,” the leaving staffers must be applauded for having the “courage and integrity” to take a stand.
“That’s more than can be said of the Republican Party, whose members still seem far too willing to give Robinson the benefit of the doubt—despite the fact that he has done absolutely nothing to earn it,” the board wrote.
The editorial team also noted how Donald Trump’s running mate JD Vance response to a reporter who asked whether he believes Robinson’s defense that the comments posted on the adult website were not by him. “I don’t not believe him, I don’t believe him,” Vance said. “I just think that you have to let these things sometimes play out in the court of public opinion.”
“That’s a whole lot of verbal gymnastics to avoid saying what every Republican ought to say: ‘Those comments are reprehensible. He should drop out of the race,'” wrote The News & Observer’s editorial board. Neither Trump nor Vance have publicly criticized Robinson following the CNN report, or rescinded their endorsement.
The North Carolina Republican Party also did not condemn Robinson. It instead issued a statement saying that the Left was attempting to “demonize him via personal attacks.”
“How disappointing that Robinson’s campaign staff appears to have more integrity than Republican leaders who were elected to serve the people of North Carolina. Of course, even if Republicans were to distance themselves from Robinson now, it wouldn’t change the fact that they’ve stood by him through everything else,” the board wrote.
“They’ve already shown themselves to be far too tolerant of Robinson’s hateful and incendiary rhetoric, and they have had plenty of opportunities to condemn it.
“Even the people paid to defend Robinson—his own campaign staff—have realized that some things are simply indefensible,” it added. “So why are Republicans still so determined to defend him?”
Newsweek has contacted the Trump-Vance team and the North Carolina Republican Party for comment via email.
Robinson has said the campaign was actively responding to CNN’s report.
“We’re in talks, including with legal counsel, to hold them accountable for what they’ve done. We have five weeks left in this race and make no mistake, we will not let this derail us from our mission,” said Robinson during a campaign stop on Monday.
“I’m going to remain focused on those things and, you better understand, I’m coming after CNN. To put the people first, we have to concentrate on this campaign,” he added.
